Microsoft word
hi there, IM so sorry if this isn't a question for the library in particular. Do you know if FPU has Microsoft Office tools for students to download to their computers?
This is a great question actually! FPU is an "Office 365" campus, so as a student you have access to then whole suite that FPU subscribes to. You can access office 365 from your page by signing in with your single sign one.
The button on the My.FPU page will take you to the web base of the office suite, but I'm fairly certain you can download each of the programs and sign in with your FPU credentails as your microsoft account.
The library is a great place for questions, so we're really glad you asked. I am fairly certain the information I've provided here is accurate, but a great place to follow up should you have further questions would be the IT Helpdesk. Of course, you can ask the library too!
Amina McGensy
Instructional Librarian, Hiebert Library