What's in the archives? Am I allowed to use the resources there?


The Mennonite Library & Archives includes the following types of resources:

  • The Mennonite library contains all books on Anabaptist & Mennonite topics available through Hiebert Library, as well as many books on other topics written by Mennonite authors.
  • The Mennonite Library's rare book collection includes books (mostly on Anabaptist/Mennonite topics) that date from the early 16th century through the 19th century.
  • The archives includes the following categories of records:
    • Institutional records of Fresno Pacific University and Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (before it merged with FPU in 2010). 
    • Board and committee records for the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and the Pacific District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
    • Collections of papers from individuals who played some kind of significant role in one of the groups mentioned above.

Anyone is welcome to use material in the Mennonite Library & Archives. Most library resources can be checked out according to the same rules as in the main library, but items from the rare book collection and archives may not be checked out or even taken to another part of the library.

Click here for more information about the resources of the Mennonite Library & Archives.

  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2020
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Kevin Enns-Rempel

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