I can't login to my library account, even though I had access last semester. What's wrong?


Typically, this situation occurs over semester breaks, particularly in the summer. It's most often caused by the fact that you haven't completed the FPU registration process for the upcoming semester. Our library user information is sent to us by the university, so anyone who isn't fully registered won't have library access. Your only solution is to complete the registration process. If you think you've already done that, check with the registrar's office to see if there is still a problem that needs to be resolved.

There might also be a brief lag time before information from the registrar is forwarded to the library system, so you might need to be just a bit patient. It shouldn't be more than a day or so.

  • Last Updated Aug 27, 2020
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Kevin Enns-Rempel

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