My instructor told me that I should look for articles in EBSCO. How do I do that?


EBSCO (or EBSCOHost) is a database provider. Hiebert Library has licenses for several of EBSCO's products. All of our databases (whether from EBSCO or other providers) can be searched from the library's discovery service. We recommend using this method for most database searches, since it guarantees that you'll get the widest selection of results. Limiting yourself to just the EBSCO databases might mean that you won't see valuable resources available from other providers.

If you really need to see only a particular database, open the "Database Finder" on the right side of your results list page (or the top of the screen if you're using a device with a small screen). That will allow you to select an individual database for searching. You should be aware that any of your previous search criteria will need to be re-entered when you do your search in that database.

  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2022
  • Views 145
  • Answered By Kevin Enns-Rempel

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