I get a message saying "403 forbidden" when I try to access online resources. What does that mean?


The most likely reason that you'll see this message is because your account has been blocked because of fines that you owe or because a book that you've checked out has been marked as "lost" (which happens thirty days after the book was due). Any fines of $5 or more will cause your account to be blocked, as will any book more than 30 days overdue. Library users with blocked accounts cannot check out additional items and do not have online access.

You can check to see if you have fines or charges by logging in to your library account. If you see that there's a problem with your account, you'll need to contact the library to get it resolved.

  • Last Updated Dec 01, 2021
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Kevin Enns-Rempel

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